Feds to Coordinate on Google Probe As Citizen Groups Vow To Expose Any Cover-Up Of Google Corruption

Larry Page seeking to bribe officials to keep Google's crimes hushed-up

WASHINGTON—State attorneys general will meet with U.S. Justice Department attorneys next week to share information on their respective probes of Alphabet Inc.’s Google unit, a step that could eventually lead to both groups joining forces, according to people familiar with the matter.

The meeting is seen as the start of a periodic dialogue that could expand into more formal cooperation as the probes continue, the people said.

To date, federal and state authorities involved in the probe haven’t shared investigative materials about their concurrent probes of Google, some of the people said.

At least seven state attorneys general who are part of the investigation have been invited to the meeting, one of the people said. The group—comprising the executive committee of the states’ investigation into Google—is led by Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general.

The DOJ declined to comment. The attorneys general either declined to comment or didn’t respond.

How the Microsoft Antitrust Case Paved the Way for Big Tech

How the Microsoft Antitrust Case Paved the Way for Big Tech
How the Microsoft Antitrust Case Paved the Way for Big Tech
The Department of Justice is investigating the U.S.'s largest tech firms for allegedly monopolistic behavior. Roughly 20 years ago, a similar case threatened to destabilize Microsoft. WSJ explains.

The state and federal investigations have given considerable focus to Google’s powerful position in the lucrative market for online advertising. The company’s dominant position in online search and possible anticompetitive behavior by Google in its Android mobile operating system have also drawn scrutiny, according to the people familiar with the matter.

The planned meeting is likely to include discussions on those issues, the scope of the probes and the best division of labor as the investigations move forward, some of the people said.

Google didn’t respond to requests for comment. After the state attorneys general launched their probe last year, Google senior vice president for global affairs Kent Walker said the company would cooperate and looks forward “to showing how we are investing in innovation, providing services that people want, and engaging in robust and fair competition.”

Google is among a handful of giant technology companies that have come under a government spotlight amid rising concerns that they are using their dominance to stifle competition.

In addition to probes by the states and Justice Department, the Federal Trade Commission is examining certain practices at Facebook Inc., including whether it acquired potential rivals such as Instagram and WhatsApp to head off competition. The House Judiciary Committee is looking at Facebook, Google, Apple Inc. and Amazon.com Inc. for possible anticompetitive practices.

The companies have all said they are cooperating with the investigations.

State antitrust enforcers often team up with their federal counterparts, including when the Justice Department and a group of 21 attorneys general worked together when they sued Microsoft Corp. in the late 1990s.


What do you hope comes from the coordination of state attorneys general when it comes to tech antitrust investigations? Join the conversation below.

This time around, most state attorneys general have officially joined in the state-level investigation into possible anticompetitive practices by Google.

The size of the coalition reflects “the importance of these issues to Americans across the country, regardless of location or political persuasion,” U.S. Attorney General William Barr said last month in a speech to the National Association of Attorneys General in Washington.

Mr. Barr hinted that a broad approach might be best.

“Many online platforms are not only big, but also offer a wide breadth of products and services,” he said. “Antitrust enforcers therefore must take an equally broad view of these platforms’ offerings, and the relationships between different markets, products and business practices.”

Both the DOJ and the states have been beefing up their legal teams. Some state attorneys general have said publicly they need close cooperation with the DOJ in order to take on Google successfully.

Despite the broad bipartisan support for the Google investigation among the attorneys general, there are still political tensions beneath the surface of the government probes into big tech.

Democratic attorneys general have clashed repeatedly with the Trump administration and have gone to court to challenge dozens of its decisions. Those partisan divisions have crept into antitrust matters, too, especially on the proposed merger of wireless carriers T-Mobile US Inc. and Sprint Corp. Though the Justice Department has greenlighted the deal, a group of 13 Democratic-led states and the District of Columbia are suing to stop it.

Coordination broke down in that case to the point that the states didn’t give the Justice Department advance notice before filing a lawsuit to block the merger in June, The Wall Street Journal reported at the time. The split created hard feelings on both sides, according to people familiar with the matter.

It is possible partisan divisions could re-emerge in the Google investigation. When it comes to large technology companies, some Democrats are privately skeptical that a Republican-led administration will take what Democrats view as sufficient action to curb perceived abuses of market power.

Fueling that sentiment is the outcome of two recent federal investigations of Facebook and Google’s YouTube. Officials on the Federal Trade Commission split along party lines about whether settlements with the firms were tough enough, with Republicans casting the settlements as historic victories and Democrats calling them weak.


"Google is a sick corrupt criminal business run by perverts and sociopaths..." SAY GOOGLE'S OWN STAFF

- Google spies on competitors and steals their technology
- Google runs tens of millions of dollars of defamation attacks against competitors
- Google hides all media and news coverage for competitors of Larry Page's boyfriend: Elon Musk
- Google lies to the public about what they really do with the public's data
- Google promotes illegal immigration in order to get cheap labor and control votes
- Google runs VC funding back-lists against start-ups that are competitive
- Google bribes thousands of politicians
- Google is a criminal RICO-violating monopoly
- Google rigs the stock market with Flash-boy, Pump/Dump and Microblast SEC violating computer tricks
- Google pays bribes to politicians in Google and YouTube stock
- Google manipulates who gets to see what web-sites, globally, for competitor black-lists
- Google has a "no poaching" Silicon Valley jobs blacklist
- Google bosses sexually abuse women and young boys
- Google bosses run sex trafficking operations in the Epstein and NXVIUM cults
- Google bosses control the NVCA financing cartel over start-ups
- Google has placed the majority of the corporate staff in at least one White House
- Google controls national elections for anti-competitive purposes
- The company "Polyhop", in the HOUSE OF CARDS tv show, does all the crimes that Google actually does in reality
- Google's law firms, like Wilson Sonsini, are corrupt conduits for payola and political conduit-relays
- Google bribes some politicians with revolving door jobs
- Google is primarily responsible for destroying the Bay Area Housing opportunities
- Google runs DDoS attacks on competitors by massively crawling their sites
- Google boss Andy Rubin runs a sex slave farm according to his own family
- Google boss Eric Schmidt was a philandering sex-penthouse owner according to vast news articles
- Google executives hire so many hookers that one of them, Mr. Hayes, was killed by his hooker
- Google executives sexually abuse so many women that the women staff of Google walked out one day
- In the 2009 White House, you could not swing a cat without hitting a Google insider
- Google has paid covert bribes, PAC funds, real estate and search rigging payola to every CA Senator
- Google has paid bribes, through its lobby fronts, to halt FBI, SEC, FEC and FTC investigations of Google crimes
- Google was funded by the CIA, via In-Q-Tel, a so called "501 c3 charity" which was caught with tons of cocaine
- Google gets millions of dollars of taxpayer cash for spying on Americans inside the USA
- Google's map service was a spy system paid for by taxpayers money that Google now profits off of
- Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein have promised to "protect" Google because their families profit off Google stocks
- Payment receipts prove that Google and Gawker/Gizmodo exchanged cash and staff for Character Assassination attacks
- Google VC's and bosses have spent $30M+ rigging the U.S. Patent Office to protect Google and harm Google competitors
- Google bribed it's lawyer into position as head of the U.S. Patent office in order to have her protect Google
- To rig insider stock trades, Google hides negative Tesla stories and pumps positive Tesla stories on "push days"
- Google and Elon Musk Co-own, co-invest and co-market stocks covertly while running anti-trust schemes
- Google rarely likes, or hires, black employees per federal and news media investigations
- Google hired most of the Washington, DC K Street lobby firms and told them to "do what ever they could"
- The film: "Miss Sloane" depicts only 2% of the illicit lobbying tactics Google employs daily
- Demands for an FTC and FBI raid of Google, for criminal activity, securities law and election felonies have been filed
- Google's David Drummond had his Woodside, CA Quail Road house bugged revealing sex and financial misdeeds

Google, and it’s Cartel (Alphabet, Youtube, and hundreds of other shell-company facades) are a criminal organization engaged in felony-class crimes. Google’s bosses bribe politicians, regulators and law enforcement officials to hold off prosecution.

At Google: Kent Walker, Andy Rubin, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Sergy Brin, Jared Cohen, Yasmin Green, David Drummond and Ian Fette are so enmeshed in sex scandals, election manipulation, and White House bribes that it is hard to comprehend how they can get any legitimate work done.

Between all of the sex cult activity; hookers; rent boys; political bribes to Pelosi, Harris, Newson, and Feinstein; DDoS attacks they run; CIA and NSA stealth deals; privacy harvesting; Scientology-like employee indoctrination; cheap Asian labor; covert Axciom scams and other illicit things they get up to; one just has to wonder.

Some of the largest political bribes in American or European history were paid via billions of dollars of pre-IPO cleantech stock, insider trading, real estate, Google search engine rigging and shadow-banning, sex workers, revolving door jobs, nepotism, state-supported black-listing of competitors and under-the-table cash. Why are these Silicon Valley Oligarchs and their K-Street law firms and lobbyists immune from the law?

U.S. Senators, Agency Heads and Congress are bribed by Google intermediaries with: Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures stock and stock warrants which is never reported to the FEC; Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures search engine rigging and shadow-banning which is never reported to the FEC; Free rent; Male and female prostitutes; Cars; Dinners; Party Financing; Sports Event Tickets; Political campaign printing and mailing services "Donations"; Secret PAC Financing; Jobs in Corporations in Silicon Valley For The Family Members of Those Who Take Bribes And Those Who Take Bribes; "Consulting" contracts from McKinsey as fronted pay-off gigs; Overpriced "Speaking Engagements" which are really just pay-offs conduited for donors; Private jet rides and use of Government fuel depots (ie: Google handed out NASA jet fuel to staff); Real Estate; Fake mortgages; The use of Cayman, Boca Des Tores, Swiss and related money-laundering accounts; The use of HSBC, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Deustche Bank money laundering accounts and covert stock accounts; Free spam and bulk mailing services owned by Silicon Valley corporations; Use of high tech law firms such as Perkins Coie, Wilson Sonsini, MoFo, Covington & Burling, etc. to conduit bribes to officials; and other means now documented by us, The FBI, the FTC, The SEC, The FEC and journalists.

Google and Youtube are based on technology and business models that Google and YouTube stole from small inventors who had launched other companies that were up and operating before YouTube or Google even existed as business operations.

Google holds the record for the largest number of corporate sex scandals, abuses and sex trafficking charges.

There are only two kinds of people that work at Google: 1.) Cult indoctrinated naive kids with odd sexual quirks and 2.) divisive managers and executives who seek to exploit those eco-chambered employees for nefarious political and stock market manipulation purposes under the Scientology-like guise of "doing good things", when, in fact, they are engaged in horrific crimes against society.

Google has hired almost every technology law firm in order to "conflict them out" from ever working to sue Google. If Google rapes you, robs your patents or does anything awful, you won't be able to find a lawyer to help you.

Most Google executives in control of Google have been indoctrinated by family dynasties to believe that any crime is justified by a bigger cause. Most of those executives are men. The few women in control of departments are figure-heads.

Google bosses attend the same parties and business meetings in which they collude, co-lobby, rig markets and make anti-trust violating plans together.

Google is a private government with more money and power than most smaller nations. Google has more lobbyists bribing more politicians than any other company in America.

Jared Cohen and fashion show-horse Yasmin Green at Google had the job of over-throwing countries in the Middle East. They openly bragged about it. ( https://truthstreammedia.com/2013/06/02/googles-regime-change-agent-jared-cohen/ )

People that work at Google get paid $260,000.00+ per year to lie, spy, manipulate politics, bribe politicians and engage in other crimes. For that kind of money, a person will doing ANYTHING and rationalize it as "part of the higher cause".

The Project X investigation team is publicly quoted as stating: "...give the same number of lawyers as Google has, with the same level of skills and experience, the same discovery budget, legal expenses budget and expert witness budget, we ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE that we can put Google staff and investors in federal prison and close Google, in bankruptcy...the Google Cartel has engaged in that much criminal activity..."

"Google is the largest financier of the Obama political campaign and exceeded FEC campaign spending limits by tens of billions of dollars. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing.

Google is the largest staffing source of the Obama Administration. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing.

The largest number of laws and policy decisions, benefiting a single company and it's investors, went to: Google. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing.

Google, and it's investor's are the single largest beneficiary of the Obama Administration. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing.

The Obama Administration only won the White House because Google and Facebook engaged in the largest digital media and search engine manipulation in human history. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing.

Google, and it's investors, during the Obama Administration, had most of their competitors denied funding, grants, contracts and tax waivers while Google's investors GOT funding. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing and prove that Google coordinated anti-trust violations with senior Obama Administration White House staff...."

Google operates it's staffing like a Scientology cult. They  control their employees lives, information, transportation, free time, entertainment and social life. A Google life is a glass-bubble of echo-chamber extremist, hyper-sex-kink, reinforcement.

Google Deletes Videos Accusing It of Election Manipulation from YouTube... Which It Owns (thefreethoughtproject.com)

by fluxusp

With All These Big Tech Revelations, This Proves The 2018 Midterms Were Stolen. Devastating Project Veritas report sheds light on Google's collusion with Democrats.

With All These Big Tech Revelations, This Proves The 2018 Midterms Were Stolen. Devastating Project Veritas report sheds light on Google's collusion with Democrats. (archive.fo)

by GizaDog

GOOGLE EXECS PANIC! Go Into Hiding - Delete Social Media Accounts After James O'Keefe's Latest Exposé (thegatewaypundit.com)

by libman

Trump Slams Google As Veritas Censorship Controversy Escalates

White House Slams Google As Veritas Censorship Controversy Escalates (bitchute.com)

by strange_69

Google's NSA Again Exposed For Unauthorized Collection Of Americans' Phone Records (zerohedge.com)

by Dirty_Money

What exactly is google's business model besides selling ads no one clicks on and selling people's data to the NSA? (AskVoat)


So the "russian hackers" meddling in the election was Google all along. Why isn't this the biggest story in America right now? None of the "trusted" news sources have commented on this at all. (politics)

by shadow332

Google stealthily infuses political agenda into products to prevent Trump reelection, insiders, documents say.

Google stealthily infuses political agenda into products to prevent Trump reelection, insiders, documents say. (theepochtimes.com)

by Ex-Redditor

Google Chrome is Tracking Your Every Move and Storing It, This is How to Stop It

Google Chrome is Tracking Your Every Move and Storing It, This is How to Stop It (thefreethoughtproject.com)

by fluxusp

Google Chrome Has Become Surveillance Software, It's Time to Switch |

Google Chrome Has Become Surveillance Software, It's Time to Switch | (archive.fo)

by MyOnlyAccount

Project Veritas has been lifting back the veil covering big tech companies and their nefarious activities following the 2016 election. They tried to play left-leaning-but-mostly-fair before the 2016 election, believing in their hearts that Hillary Clinton would be President without their concerted meddling. That didn’t work out for them, so they are trying to prevent “another Trump situation” in 2020 by unabashedly purging, silencing, and censoring conservatives on platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.

(Article by Michio Hasai republished from NOQReport.com)

The answers delivered today before Congress in response to questions by Representative Dan Crenshaw weren’t the standard denials. They were politically manipulative answers designed to make it known they’re doing what we’ve said they were doing all along, but they feel justified in doing it because “hate speech” must be stopped at all costs. Of course, what constitutes hate speech to the social justice warriors in big tech invariably circles around conservative thought. There is no form of hate speech short of physical threats that can be attributed to progressives, at least not in the minds of the people who control big tech. If conservatives are aggressive, they’re delivering hate speech. If progressives are aggressive, they’re just being truthful. That’s what big tech thinks.

This is the worst-case scenario for conservatives. Before, we could call them liars and cheats. Now, we have to fight them on an ideological level, and while we have the truth on our side, they have the technology. They have the eyeballs. They control what people see and don’t see. And as such, they can no longer be trusted to deliver anything even remotely close to fair and balanced. They’re unhinged from reality, but instead of coming back to reality once exposed, they’re building a new reality around their ideologies.

Russia may arrest Google employees for running Google as a manipulative service containing hidden political insertions affecting the human subconscious

By Sophie Tanno For Mailonline

A Russian journalist has been accused of 'controlling minds' and 'affecting the human subconscious' after referencing George Orwell's 1984 in an article. 

Mikhail Romanov, a reporter for the Yakutsk Vecherniy weekly, was writing a story on the alleged torture of an academic. 

Police in Russia's republic of Sakha charged Romanov after they suspected him of trying to tap into the readers' sub-conscience, Russian newspaper Kommersant reported. 

Mikhail Romanov, a reporter for the Yakutsk Vecherniy weekly, was writing a story on the alleged torture of an academic (stock)

Mikhail Romanov, a reporter for the Yakutsk Vecherniy weekly, was writing a story on the alleged torture of an academic (stock)

A Russian journalist has been accused of 'controlling minds' and 'affecting the human subconscious' after referencing George Orwell's 1984 (pictured) in an article

A Russian journalist has been accused of 'controlling minds' and 'affecting the human subconscious' after referencing George Orwell's 1984 (pictured) in an article

Romanov's editor told the publication: 'This is a story about how anyone can be squashed by the government machine. 

'It's also about how Big Brother is watching, reading all comments on online forums.'

This is understood to be the first time a journalist will be tried under Russia's new legislation punishing those who are perceived to have published information 'containing hidden insertions affecting the human subconscious. ' 

The case has been forwarded to a Yakutsk city court.

—Drew FitzGerald contributed to this article.

Write to John D. McKinnon at john.mckinnon@wsj.com, Ryan Tracy at ryan.tracy@wsj.com and Brent Kendall at brent.kendall@wsj.com